These delicious potato dumplings have become a family tradition. Served with beef or pork roast, they are delicious with or without gravy. They are a little...
Tasty fried curried potato cubes make a wonderful accompaniment to many Indian curry dishes. I don't know that this recipe is authentic in any way, I came...
Patatas bravas are fried potatoes that are fiercely textured, fiercely flavored, fiercely presented, and fiercely enjoyed. How fierce is really up to you...
Halushky is a Ukrainian name for dumplings made of batter or thick dough mixture. Various ingredients are added for tenderness, texture, flavor, and food...
Halushky is a Ukrainian name for dumplings made of batter or thick dough mixture. Various ingredients are added for tenderness, texture, flavor, and food...
Tasty fried curried potato cubes make a wonderful accompaniment to many Indian curry dishes. I don't know that this recipe is authentic in any way, I came...
My father would throw this together. He used prepackaged diced potatoes and frozen onions and peppers until we turned him on to fresh. I've also see this...
This was created out of ingredients I had in my fridge before heading on vacation. Amazed at the outcome and my hubby was sad there wasn't more. It's delicious!...
This is a delicious side dish with cheese, potatoes, and Ranch! What's not to love?! I am always begged to bring this wherever I go. It is a great complement...
These potatoes are easy to prepare and are a great crowd pleaser. The herbs and cheese really bump up the flavor. You can prep them ahead then finish them...
This sounds like such a simple recipe that many people pass it up ...DON'T! Cooking new potatoes this way makes them taste wonderful, especially with gobs...
My father would throw this together. He used prepackaged diced potatoes and frozen onions and peppers until we turned him on to fresh. I've also see this...
This is a very tasty potato recipe that is also great for using up leftover baked potatoes. The vinegar gives the spinach a sweet flavor. I like to crumble...
My father would throw this together. He used prepackaged diced potatoes and frozen onions and peppers until we turned him on to fresh. I've also see this...
Southwestern flavors blend with spicy mustard for a zippy alternative to deep-fried fries. Feel free to increase the cayenne, red pepper, and chili powder...
My father would throw this together. He used prepackaged diced potatoes and frozen onions and peppers until we turned him on to fresh. I've also see this...
This is great with Apricot Glazed Turkey and Green Beans With Walnuts And Walnut Oil. This dish can be made one day ahead. The broth made in this recipe...
One of my earliest 'exotic' food experiences was eating potato knishes with my Dad in Coney Island. I mean, mashed potatoes in a warm, flaky pastry? This...
These are new potatoes served with a zesty sauce. This has been a longstanding favorite at our house. If you are in a hurry, just boil the potatoes and...
This is a side dish that my husband's family in the south has been eating with corned beef and cabbage for years. It's a great addition to this traditional...
Hash browns that everyone will want seconds of! My family loves these. And my brother brings over his kids as well every second week to enjoy these as...
This is great with Apricot Glazed Turkey and Green Beans With Walnuts And Walnut Oil. This dish can be made one day ahead. The broth made in this recipe...
This is great with Apricot Glazed Turkey and Green Beans With Walnuts And Walnut Oil. This dish can be made one day ahead. The broth made in this recipe...
These Tater Wedges are a great side dish when grilling. A great mixture of seasonings give them the pep they need to tickle your taste buds. Add more cayenne...
This is one of my favorite baked potato recipes adapted for small appliances when a full kitchen isn't available. Great for students or those waiting on...
A delicious loaf - great as a side dish for pork chops, chicken, or beef. A great way to use left over baked potatoes! Keep in mind when making baked potatoes...
This was the winning recipe for an Allrecipes cooking contest for Potatoes USA, developed and cooked by Allrecipes Allstars: Kim Mancuso, Jewel Kingsley,...